Star Wars TIE Fighter Pip-Boy (4K Pipboy) by doctrderp.FlagMinutemen by Chronokiller (blue Rebel flag).Star Wars – Galactic Empire Flag by Artyom4942.

Star Wars ESB Shirt by LostStormTrooper.Stormtrooper Combat Armour Variants by stiptikspec.VG247 has gone ahead and compiled a list of all of them, which you can find below: There are a whole host of Star Wars mods for Fallout 4. Or they can make the game into absolutely anything else – we’ve already had Thomas The Tank Engine in Fallout 4, and another really good mod made the game look like Borderlands 2. But the most popular Fallout 4 mods seem to be all Star Wars themed. Modders are a crafty bunch, and they can usually make a game sing while standing on a toe on a rolling egg, if they want it to.

Like with all Bethesda games, Fallout 4 has a hell of a modding community (and this is before the official modding tools are even out!).