Sometimes nothing beats a good old fashioned board game.This game makes a great Bible connection with the story of Zechariah in Luke 1 or any other story where someone has lost the power of speech. Here’s the catch: they have to do it all without talking. Kids work together to line up in a certain order, for example, oldest to youngest or by birth month. After a high-energy Sunday School game, bring everyone’s focus back with a round of Silence.All you need is a ball of rainbow-colored yarn to play The String Game. Kids learn that while God created us differently, we’re connected to Him and each other through Jesus.Play Switch Sides If to get your group moving and building relationships with each other.A fun list of Christian Would You Rather questions includes these head-scratchers: Would you rather have seen the Red Sea being parted or Jesus walking on water? Would you rather have dinner with Moses or Paul? Have fun coming up with your own questions based on that day’s theme or your group’s particular interests. You can divide the room into two sides and have students group according to their answers. Here’s a game that requires absolutely NO supplies: gather your Sunday school class and ask a series of Would You Rather questions.Use it next time you have a few extra minutes to fill or want to help a new group of kids get to know each other. A quick game of Guess Who? doubles as a class-bonding activity.Reach for Bible Trading Cards as fun memory tools and potential prizes.

So the next time the pastor’s sermon goes 10 minutes over, don’t panic.

The right Sunday School games and activities can take a class from ho-hum to I can’t wait to come back next week! Kids often learn best when engaged in creative play, and with these easy activity ideas, you may have the most fun of all.